A vintage morsel of Delight & a sip of sparkling Clarity to share with my Best Wishes for 2016.

The new year is nigh and I am resting a bit and preparing for what comes next. Edging myself gently to something that will feel relevant and I hope can in some way be commensurate with the challenge.

When in that percolating state I often find myself tidying things. It’s a way of ‘doing’ that allows a sense of purpose to emerge. My focus is superficially on the task and, at depths unknown, a creative coalescing of ideas is occurring that I anticipate with a strange enthusiasm.

It was as I was tidying up my cupboard today and discarding old DVDs that I came across this gem. I had to watch a little bit and then I had to watch it all.

It goes for 45 minutes. You may have seen it before? It’s been around for quite a while now. Even so I commend it to you. It is the work of Robert Newman and this one is called The Story Of Oil.

I loved the oh-so-relevant finish – on just what to do with our great ideas.

Happy New Year. In it may we see more of the beautiful, creative, intelligent genius surging through our collective hopes, wishes and voices. May our actions steer our course firmly to a Safe Climate and continue to unlock the fully scaled up Sustainability Renaissance that so tantalises and inspires us.


About Giselle Wilkinson - 4allsentientbeings

Science and art, writing and recording, have been my staples. Environmental protection, building community and promoting cooperatives have been enduring threads in my life. Promoting sustainable lifestyles and since 2003, focussing on restoring a Safe Climate, is my main focus for decades expressed predominantly through organisations such as The Sustainable Living Foundation (which I co-founded in 1999 - current President). In 2011, I moved into MURUNDAKA – a (more) sustainable, less UNaffordable, collaborative co-housing community in a housing cooperative (Earth CERC) in Heidelberg, Melbourne (for which I gave up my co-op house of 19 years + veggie garden & small orchard) It's a shining example of transformative change in the suburbs that CAN be done. In 2021 - after 11 years of work, I was awarded my professional doctorate on "Mobilising Whole Communities to Restore a Sustainable Climate". Getting the findings from this research out there is my current challenge. I'm also gratefully part of a wonderful family with two daughters, two young granddaughters, five step 'kids' and six step grandkids.
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